Monday, July 27, 2009

Ephesians 4:1-16, Butterfly Calling

I think Ephesians 4:1-16 is my sabbatical passage. God led me towards this scripture on Wednesday. Then randomly I went to a church who's non-lectionary pastor picked this passage to preach, and now- it is one of this week's lectionary passages. I think God is trying to speak to me through this portion of scripture. Three times is a little more than coincidental.

This passage reminds me of a butterfly garden. Have you ever visited one of these unique places? First, you walk in through a special door designed to protect the butterflies. Then, as you become a part of the garden- you are amazed.

All the pieces of the garden work together. There are the flowers where the butterflies rest. The vibrant floral design screams of wonder and thrill. There are wooden containers holding the chrysalis, delicate pouches awaiting combustion towards life and hope. The butterflies flutter around you, even resting on your fingers, trusting you to bring care. Flowers provide nutrients for the butterflies. An old lady in a hat reaches her hand to gently make sure all visitors are content and enjoy the wonder of it all.

Butterfly gardens are truly amazing-- much like the body of Christ working together towards the calling of God-- to become who we were created to be.

We need our little old ladies caring for us in community. We need the vibrant fragrance of people's life calling us towards the wonder of our own purpose in God's creation. We need safe places to transform from a chrysalis to a gorgeous, new creation. For we were all created to fly and soar- not rest in the dark. We need people called to do those up front and flashy things for the garden of life. We need behind the scenes persons planting the flowers and turning the soil- things that may never seen by the visitors.

And Ephesians 4 speaks of this calling, the calling of the entire church. We are called to live with humility, gentleness, patience, and love. We are to make every effort for peace. We are to be one body-- young and old alike, remembering our calling. Remembering why we are called together.

Some of us have flashy gifts-- we often called these persons the "called" ones; those called to be apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, or teachers. But ALL gifts, whether flashy and up front or not, are to equip the saints for ministry and build the body of Christ. Even if we are the ones toiling the ground, planting the seeds, and enabling those flashy flowers to grow, we are still beautiful, still called, still created to be something amazing.

Why are we called to this? What is the end goal? Or to get a little philosophical, what is the teleos of such a calling?

The answer according to this passage: To bring all creation to the unity of faith, the knowledge of God, and maturity in Christ. Thus, we (the community) have a goal that we must work toward together-- to bring all of our butterfly garden to the unity, knowledge, and maturity in Christ.

And we must live lives worthy of this calling and purpose, a virtuous life. We must live our lives being formed in faith, hope, and love. For when we are formed by these 3 theological virtues, peace will come. Peace is the result of being formed in Christ.

And to close:

God wants to share this message: Give up trying to make yourself great or trying to make a name for yourself to prove your worth; watch me create you into more than you could ever imagine. You have incredible value simply because you exist; let me enable my imaginative power spark to life as I mold you into who you were created to be-- greater than you are able to make yourself or ever dream to become.

This is my philosophy of ministry, after some sabbatical time of rest.

God can create all of us in this butterfly garden of life-- into amazing and flashy people-- when we become who we were created to be. But all too often we are so insecure, we try to top each other. We work hard at being perceived as the best, making a great name. But the truth is- we are all beautiful and special. If we are being who we were created to be, then we are as flashy as the one receiving all the praise.

So spread your butterfly wings and fly. Become who you were called and created to be- as a part of this community of faith.

1 comment:

benjaminyost said...

The teaching that I did at Emmanuel this past sunday was on eph 4... with a slightly different angle.

I looked at the whole of eph 4... notice the word calling and then paul teaches us about how we are to live that out... then he talks about some other things (leadership, the things we are not supposed to do...), then in verse 32 he gets back to the stuff we all are supposed to do.

The word calling is unique... it refers to Genesis 12 when Abram was called...

Paul is connecting the ephesians to the promise and telling about God's intention for one new humanity...

check out my blog if you want...

But I, also, want you to know that enjoyed your angle. "We are called to live with humility, gentleness, patience, and love. We are to make every effort for peace."