Thursday, December 3, 2009

Meads Corner: The Front Porch of Wichita

Long ago and not so far away, people would spend time on their front porches in community. Billy Bob would sit there sipping his tea and his neighbor Jim Bob would come over and chat about the weather and the crop season. ;) Their darling wives Betty Sue and Rebecca would talk about their latest craft projects and their young children would push each other into the mud. It was a beautiful thing-- the front porch mentality. It created a way to form community and participate in each other's lives.

But today, this seems to be nothing more than an ancient practice, a distant memory. Look around the houses in your town. How many of them even have front porches? Gorgeous wood that wraps around the front of a home and the community service these porches provide are a thing of the past. And yet-- we still desire, need even, the opportunity for connection with our neighbors. We are social people who find life and purpose in our participation in life with the other.

The Church seeks every opportunity possible to recreate this front porch community. We throw in a potluck here and a meet and greet with coffee time there. All attempts to create community from within.

And then, there's the churches who are extremely creative and innovative while seeking to step outside the box; such as the crew at Wichita's First United Methodist Church. This collection of amazing people began brainstorming the idea of a fair trade coffee shop for the purpose of creating community.

From the very beginning days of the shop, this team of visionary church leaders looked for ways to create networking connections for people. Before the floorboards were ever laid, scripture verses were printed and placed on the ground. They remain under the tile to this day.

A Sunday evening service was created, with the goal of bringing together people who might not necessarily want to step foot in a traditional church but are still amazed with the man called Jesus. A coffee shop is a perfect place to do this- to incorporate a younger generation who loves Jesus but not the church (see Dan Kimball's text, "They Like Jesus But Not the Church: Insights from Emerging Generations").

A Monday evening TED (Technology, Entertainment, and Design) discussion was formed-- with the vision of bringing together people from the Wichita area to talk about hot button issues-- everything from compassion to consumerism.

Every other Thursday evening the stage is open for what is called "Espresso Theater." People are called to the stage to act, read, and perform in 15 minutes or less. Usually laughter and giggles fill the back room for this event.

All these intentional creations enable the formation of community for Meads Corner Fair Trade Coffee House-- making this particularly special coffee shop, the front porch of Wichita. If Billy Bob and Rebecca desire to chat with their neighbors in community-- no longer is the front porch the place to do this. Now, in this post-modern age, the coffee house is where one seeks such relation.

If you're intrigued by this special shop, check out or stop by 430 E Douglas in Wichita Kansas. This place is especially close to my heart, since this is where I call home. That apartment I live in, is only where I sleep. :)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I Was Hungry—and You Gave Me a TASTE of Redemption

Last week my friend, my son, and I volunteered at a food pantry. My facebook status that day read something along the lines of, “I hope that as we serve at food shelter today—my son will be formed at an early age—to be the kind of person who loves and serves.”

I often encourage parents, children’s pastors, and teachers to intentionally bring children alongside of them to serve the church and community. My personal goal, for my own son, is to enable Jayden to reflexively learn to love. For brain science teaches us (see “Liars, Lovers, and Heroes”) that we can make a choice once—and it is a choice. We make it again—and it is still a choice. But over time the chemicals in the brain work to cause us to act reflexively instead of making a choice. It becomes a habit. And even though my little man is only 3 he organized Ramen Noodles by color and did quite well.

As we were all working, sweating, and sorting through about one-hundred pounds of food, I was struck with several thoughts.

All too often, when asked to donate to the hungry, we give Ramen and starches—which is fine if you are near death. But usually people who come to food pantries need more than just starches to sustain life. They need to be given something special that conveys love and offers a “taste” of the restoration of creation—that which we (those of us doing the donating) have already experienced.

So I composed this list of advice—for those who are looking to donate to a food pantry (and reasons why):

1. If you do not already know this, most “poor” people in the US can scrape up twenty cents to buy Ramen Noodles. If you want to give something “like” this—try donating the pasta in a bowl or easily heated non-perishables you would take to work for lunch.

2. Splurge on the extra forty-nine cents and get the good cookies. Skip over the store brand (the ‘make you want to spew cookie’), and get a snack you would enjoy if you were a bit down on finances and needed to skip over the snack isle with sad eyes. Try Ritz bits crackers, Oreos, Chips Ahoy, and fruit snacks.

3. If you really want to help someone who is down on finances, give them the things that are the hardest to purchase. Milk, eggs, meat, and cheese. All these things are quite expensive and usually get overlooked when money is low. Especially meat.

4. Gas cards would be a great way to help someone feeling stumpy on cash. Particularly when the cost of one gallon of gas sky-rockets the price of a gallon of milk.

5. Forget the cheap Jell-O mixes in boxes. Seriously. I know it sounds crazy—but think about the times you had to work really hard to make ends meet. Did you want to pull out the pan, boil water, stir it, wait for it to cool, stick it in the fridge, and then serve it? Or would you rather just pull it out of the fridge and hand it to your kids? Remember next time—give the food pantries the already mixed Jell-O.

6. Think beyond the starches. If you’ve ever found yourself scratching your head and wondering why those who seem to have the least amount of money are also the largest people you know, the secret can now be revealed. It is because the poor eat cheap starches to fill them up when hungry. Think about how you would feel eating starches and noodles every single day in order not to be famished. It’s not so fun. Go the extra mile and get creative about filling those starving for food like fruits, vegetables, and meats.

7. When I was going through the boxes of food at the shelter, my favorite thing to find was coffee (the good kind), tea bags, soda, and fruit drinks. This is the FIRST thing to get skipped when your finances need to be skimmed. If you really want to show God’s redemptive love, pick up some fair trade coffee beans and help both the farmer overseas AND the person short on cash.

8. Think “easy and quick” when selecting things to donate for breakfast. Usually those who are poor are running off to work in the morning to slave at a job we (those of us donating) would never think to apply. Such as factory workers, maids, and other “lowly” tasks in the eyes of the wealthy. Ask yourself: What would you want to eat for breakfast on the run? I know I enjoy eating breakfast cereals, pop tarts, breakfast bars, and even those cool cereal straws. Donate these to the food pantry.

9. Donate money specifically tagged for gift cards. This way those who come to the food pantry can get what they need from the store (which usually includes the perishable things like milk, eggs, and meat).

10. Try donating a box of cake mix and frosting or easy cookie mixes. Look at the directions and find the boxes/bags where all you do is throw in an egg, stir in some water, and thirty minutes later you have homemade cookies. For—there is nothing quite like a warm chocolate chip cookie to share God’s love with the hungry.

“For I was hungry—and you gave me a taste of the redemption of creation…”

Monday, August 10, 2009

Learning How To Be Poor

Learning How to Be Poor: Stretching a little income (or savings) after a job loss

Many of us are losing our jobs these days and are unable to find another one. In fact, several of my close friends have either lost their job or cannot find one—so we came together and created this list to help others who may be in the same situation.

Hopefully, together, we can figure out how to survive these tough days. For it is when the community draws together, especially when things are rough, we have hope to make it through. True community takes care of each other.

And note, it is not exactly easy to "learn how to be poor" when your income is striped from you-- but it is quite the lesson to be learned. And instead of focusing on what you miss about the life you used to have (when you had an income), try thinking about how unfair it is that many, many people live on less than a dollar a day.

As you ponder that one, here are some of our ideas to help make it through job loss and develop a unique and beautiful sense of humility at the same time. Use these ideas to grow and develop as a Christian who cares about poverty-- and happens to be experiencing your own lack of income at the moment:

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1. Find a “Community Share Program” in your area. Often churches or community centers will buy in bulk and allow people to purchase for low amounts. (Valerie Boyd)
If you are in Wichita (or nearby in Kansas) see:

2. Sometimes utility companies have programs for people who lost jobs—see if they can put you on a sliding scale payment schedule or assist with a few months (Chrissy McCormick Franko).

3. Shop around for the best deal before purchasing. It might take time but will be worth it in the end (Chris Lyons).

4. Take only a small amount of cash with you if you go out (for example, don’t leave the house with credit or debit cards but only $5 in cash)—so you will not overspend (Bob Gunter).

5. Rice and beans are an incredible source of nourishment. And cheap (Joseph Leppert).

6. Try the “developing nations washing machine”—where you pour some water in the tub, dump in a little detergent, and scrub away with your hands!

7. If you have student loans, call them up and ask for a form. Often times they will allow you to go into financial forbearance (with the accumulating interest) for up to a year at a time—especially when you lose a job.

8. Buy the Sunday paper and clip coupons.

9. After you clip coupons swap what you don’t need with some friends and family (Lois Gunter).

10. Become a member of your zoo—often once you pay a small fee it includes free visits the rest of the year.

11. Buy frozen meat in bulk to pull out and thaw for later (Chrissy)

12. Don’t buy it unless you can eat it or wear it.

13. Find all your local parks and visit them for fun—take picnic lunches.

14. Walk or ride your bike (Chris).

15. Join PAT (Parents as Teachers) to receive newsletters on the free events they provide for families (this often includes trips to museums and more).

16. Buy clothes only for your kids—unless yours fall apart (Valerie)

17. For a small fee-- sometimes your car loan will allow you to skip a few months. Be sure to call and ask about the possibility (Chrissy).

18. Find a bread thrift store for discounted prices on breads and snacks.

19. Buy hair dye at the store and have a friend help—instead of going to the beauty parlor.

20. Go to “Great Clips” for a haircut under $15.00. Watch for their $4.99 specials (usually in January). Sometimes they send out coupons too.

21. Use the library and stop buying books (Chrissy).
OUCH. That one hurts.

22. Christy’s book amendment: Find a used bookstore (like at Goodwill) or peruse books at yard sales. For those of us who read everything—with pen and highlighter in hand.

23. Borrow and share books with your friends.

24. Make side dishes for dinner in the microwave—it uses less energy than the stove (Chrissy).

25. Make your own bread. Here is a simple recipe (for 3 loafs of bread) from my friend Kaza Fraley:
Mix 3 cups of water, 1 ½ tablespoons of Fleischmann’s bread machine yeast or 1 ½ packets. Stir. Add 3 cups of wheat flour and 3 cups of white flour (or 6 of one or the other) and 1 ½ tablespoons of salt. Stir until it is a dough. Cover with a towel and let it sit for 2 hours. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours (or overnight). Make grapefruit size balls, grease cookie sheet, and let it sit for 30 minutes (to adjust from being refrigerated). Preheat to 450 and bake for 30 minutes.

26. Or make your own bread by stalking your local thrift stores until you find a bread machine.

27. Trim the lattes and coffees at the coffeehouse, but buy extra tissues for the tears—(Bob).

28. Buy coffee beans and make your own coffee at home (and buy fairtrade, please).

29. Don't be afraid to barter! It may be difficult to get comfortable with this, but the worst thing that happens is that you will hear the word "no". If you're a parent, you've already heard it at least seven times that day! Barter everywhere! If a jacket is missing a button, ask the manager if they will take less money. At garage sales, people are going to sell an item or throw it away. Less money is better than no money in their eyes (Valerie).

30. Peruse Craig’s List for your needs (Valerie).

31. Join freecycle to post your needs or meet others needs. This can be a great place to give and receive.

32. Access the minutes you need in your cell plan and shave it down if you can (Chrissy).

33. Access your cable needs and shave off what you do not need (Chrissy).

34. Check all the gas stations before you buy—see which one has the lowest price (Bob).

35. Make a weekly menu. From that menu make your shopping list. Base your menu on sale items and/or coupons, and use everything you buy. For example, if you buy cabbage for coleslaw, then use the rest for cabbage rolls or bierocks (Valerie).

36. Keep off as many lights as possible to trim the electric bill (Chrissy).

37. Sometimes local animal shelters will help provide food for your pet if you stumble across hard times and lose your job (Chrissy).

38. If your local animal shelter cannot help you with food, buy your pet’s food in massive bulk (Chrissy).

39. Buy what you need used (Chris).

40. Go with a friend and split the price for Sams Club—so you can get cheaper gas and purchase in bulk (Bob).

41. Sell your kid’s old clothes and toys at a local consignment shop for extra cash (or trade in for bigger sized clothes). Sometimes you can find stores who do this for adults (like “Plato’s Closet).

42. Peruse your local goodwill and thrift stores when you’re in need of clothes. Watch Goodwill—they like to have $1.10 days (where each article of clothing only costs $1.10).

43. Go through all your items and sell what you do not need at consignment shops or at a yard sale for extra cash.

44. Start a garden to grow your own vegetables over buying every week (Bob).

45. Join a community garden or take part in a farming community workday for discounted vegetables (Kaza).

46. Buy generic brands—food, clothes, etc (Chris).

47. Try getting one song off Itunes instead of a whole CD. That could save up to $15.00 in one setting.

48. Cook from scratch. Example: 10 lbs of potatoes can be bought for 2.99 on sale. Frozen hashbrowns are 1.19 for a one pound bag (Valerie).

49. Use leftovers! A week worth of leftover vegetables can make a great soup! (Valerie).

50. Remember that your network is important. Stay connected with others. Don't be afraid to share your situation. You never know what someone else might have or who they may know! (Valerie).

51. If you’re on the east coast stop by Gabriel Brothers. There is one in Lavale, near Cumberland MD and another in Winchester. Some of the clothing is slightly damaged—the majority of it is not too bad and they have a small household section in the back. Testimonial: “I got 2 polo shirts for 10 bucks, was gonna buy a pair of jeans for 5 bucks, but I didn't like the fit” (Chris).

52. Buy white & pink nail polish and French manicure sticker guides—and do your own nails instead of getting an acrylic for $25 to start and $15 to fill.

53. Trim your magazine subscriptions down.

54. Give homemade gifts for birthdays and Christmas.
See the “Buy Nothing” Catalog for ideas:

55. Wait until a movie comes out to Redbox and rent for $1.00 plus tax (instead of $8 per person in the theater). Or sign up to get the weekly text message codes from Redbox for one free rental each week (as long as you bring the DVD back the next day).

56. Go to church events for fun (which are usually free).

57. If you see items on clearance you know you’ll need (like tissues or Band-Aids), stock up!

58. Get on the coupon mailing lists for the things you need (Family Christian Bookstores, Borders, Barnes and Noble, and more).

59. Use electronic coupons. You can often combine them with paper coupons for even more savings (Valerie).

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No matter what, the picture above (from should remind us that God provides and will take care of us-- even in soomething as frustrating as job loss and poverty (if we can even use the word poverty and speak of "car payments" and "ipods") ...but it sure does feel pretty horrible some days.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

"Bad Boys"

Go ahead and hum the tune that comes to your mind based on the title of this article to yourself. It goes something like this: "Bad boys, bad boys- whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?" Yes, I guess most of us know that one.

At some point or another, nearly everyone takes time to stop clicking the remote and view this show. The police come and get the "bad guy," in order to bring them to justice or save the "bad boy" from himself.

However, I want to take a moment to really consider what it means to utter the words "bad guy."

We do it often. We watch the news and feel relieved when the "bad guy" is caught. We skim through the newspaper and feel terrified when the "bad guy" is loose. We look at the posters hanging in the post office and see the visualization of the "bad guy." We watch the villains in our movies attempt to destroy the hero or heroine and then get excited as the "bad guy" almost inevitably loses.

We even utter such a phrase in the opposite direction. For example we will say, "He's not such a 'bad guy.'" Or even sometimes look at it as an exciting, positive thing. A girl will comment she enjoys the "bad boys."

And thus, I think we can easily establish the phrase "bad boy" or "bad guy" permeates our culture. It is something we barely think about anymore- it is a part of our normal routine.

But as you read this article, I want to challenge you to really think about the term "bad guy."

Is anything or anyone really bad?

When we look at the story of creation in Genesis, one particular phrase jumps out multiple times. And God saw creation was made of "bad boys." Um, no. Over and over it reads, "And God saw that it was GOOD." As we read the creation story, we cannot help but see that the creation and wonder of the matter formed by God's hand is really good!

So then we must ask- what is it that makes something or someone created by God and called "good," APPEAR BAD to us? OR- does it actually change and BECOME BAD to it's very core?

If we claim that something or someone who was created good is genuinely evil or bad to their very being, we would be implying something quite tragic. We would actually be saying this particular part of creation is BEYOND REDEMPTION. If someone is bad to their being- actually "bad" to their core, they would be beyond the ability to be good; to be transformed.

Do any of us really want to call something "bad" and thus imply that created thing is beyond redemption? That this person is beyond the grace of God to transform and be renewed?

If we look closely at scriptures and encounter the God in the Living Word, NOTHING IS BEYOND REDEMPTION. Not even the people who do the most vile, gross, pathetic, disgusting acts. That's a hard one to swallow-- especially if you throw a child being hurt in that mix. Then you just feel sick.

But all those emotional feelings aside to think theologically about what we are really saying: If nothing actually BECOMES "bad," to the very center of its being, then we must ask the other question: What is it that causes that person or created thing to APPEAR bad?

Perhaps it is our choices. This would make sense. Our choices form us into the kinds of people we are.

In fact, brain science teaches us some interesting things about habits and patterns of the mind based on the choices we make. If we choose something once, we are not in a habit quite yet. If we choose it again, we could still make a different choice. Then the third, fourth, fifth... and before long- after we choose to do something bad or good over and over and over again, we lose our ability to really chose.

Our brain is formed into a habit so it literally becomes a reflex over a choice (for more explanation on this see the text "Liars, Lovers, and Heroes: What Brain Science Reveals About How we Become Who We Are). Our brains are literally formed based on our choices and decisions.

Thus, when we make good choices-- we appear good. When we make bad choices-- we appear bad.

When a person makes bad decisions again and again, that person appears evil to us. And unfortunately, when we experience the evil choices of another, it hurts. It burns our very inside to our core, turning our stomach, and making us sick. We want to label them "the bad guy." We want justice.

But again- I want to call us toward truly thinking about that label "bad guy." Do we really want to say this person is so bad- they are beyond redemption? That the vile, horrible things they did really caused their very being to change? It is something to think about, for sure.

For when we call someone "bad," though it might seem justified to judge a person this way because we have already spent years being formed to focus on ridding our lives and families of evil and containing the world of the "bad ones," we must remember they too were created good.

The world might call them "bad guys" but we are the church! We remember the story of God-- the story of God creating all things good, even humans.

Creation was designed good. Take a moment to REMEMBER our story, God's story. We were created with a purpose, to be beautiful. But sometimes we make bad choices-- and forget how we were created. We choose what we want over what God wants. We sin. We make "bad" choices.

And since we are the church, since we are the body of Christ in the world-- called to be different and set apart; called to make choices towards the redemption of creation and not the destruction of creation-- I would like to pose this challenge: Perhaps what we are really doing is dehumanizing people when we call them "bad guys."

Go ahead, take a minute to process that one. I will say it again to help with the digestion of this one. When we call someone the "bad guy" perhaps we are really dehumanizing them, looking at them as less than ourselves.

In fact, perhaps we even view persons who make bad choices as less than human. We want to claim creation was good, according to Genesis. And thus we want to say humans were created good-- but when we label them as "bad," then we are really saying they are less than the good creation of God.

And if we are dehumanizing people by calling them the "bad guy," then we are participating in a form of oppression (a classy form, mind you), but a form of abuse- nonetheless. We call them "bad" and we thus call ourselves "good." We say they are "bad" and enjoy the power of not being "bad." We label them as "bad" and become the god in our own story.

So who is really making the bad choice here?

Which is the greater evil?

And thus, I really want to ask: Do we have the ability to step beyond our normal view of the world and see who WE REALLY ARE and what we really think? Do we have the GUTS to confront our own selfishness and sin in how we label someone? How we participate in idolatry by making ourselves the god, deciding who is good and who is not?

If we do not find the strength to look deeply inside ourselves with this one, I am afraid the church (and thus all of creation) will suffer. We will have communities filled with people who view "the other" as someone separate from themselves. Someone so different, so vile, so disgusting-- they are beyond the church and far beyond God. We will have faith based groups of people who have eyes only to see the negative. People who look out at the world and only see the pathetic waste of space and have lost their ability to see the beauty and wonder of the good creation-- even in humanity.

If we do find the strength to look deeply inside ourselves and see what we are really saying when we label someone as "bad," I think the potential is boundless. We will see churches who model for the world who they could also be. We will have communities who see God's beauty and vision for all of creation and work towards the redemption of ALL things- not just the "good guys."

Dear God-- grant us the vision to see your beauty in all of created things and forgive us for sinning against our brothers and sisters by dehumanizing them and calling them the "bad guy."

Sunday, August 2, 2009

This Church Got it Right!

I went to a "Back to School Community Event" at the Church at Mercy Crossing in Martinsville, Virginia. I was BEYOND impressed. This Church got it right!

Each person in the church community brought their abilities and talents to the event. A few lady stylists were doing free haircuts for the kids inside. A couple of men who were car experts diagnosed car problems- aimed at helping single parent moms.

There were free car washes- free school supplies- free clothes- free brand new socks. There were free coloring books, free reading books, free toothbrushes, & health education. There was a nurse on hand to check parent's blood pressure. There were poison control magnets and advice on helping develop babies during their "tummy time."

This event had a lot of fun too! There were moonwalks to jump in and slide down. There were pony rides. There were ice sno cones, train rides, toss games, candy to be won, and a dunk tank.

And- there was a ton of food! There were enough hot dogs to feed 500 people, nachos and chili, chips and cookies. And they kept everyone hydrated with Gatorade! What a treat for all who were playing (or watching their kids play) under the hot sun!

There were things to keep everyone's attention and entertain the community. There was a car and motorcycle show. There were two firetrucks and a sheriff who awarded the kids Junior Deputy stickers. There were coloring books about safety and there was information about drugs.

They even had a live teenage band singing Switchfoot songs and enabling the place to rock! There were prizes given away (creatively by numbered tickets, so they could simultaneously keep a running count in order to plan for future community events), and every child received a balloon.

As for the "churchy" part- well, that was on the back burner. It seemed this church had the ministry goal to "feed them, care for their needs, and they cannot help but see Jesus."

If we could all live by this philosophy of ministry and vision for loving the community, what would the world learn about God?

As attenders, my Father, Jayden, and I were asked to register our names, give our address, and write down any prayer requests we might have- and that was it. Everything was a gift to us-- to show God's love to whatever need we might have. I was beyond impressed.

This church certainly got it right- when it comes to being the body of Christ to the world! I am confident the community walked away from this event thinking "Wow- this church really cares about me." I hope we can all learn from this beautiful example of being the church who participates in the redemption of creation.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Launching a New Blog

I am launching a new blog to update you, my readers, on my first fiction novel "Awaken Imagination" where ordinary characters come to life as they discover who they were created to be for the redemption and renewal of creation!

You can sign up to be a follower and learn more about publishing and printing at:

I hope to see you there!

Christy Gunter-Leppert

Raising Grateful Kids- (With a Twist)

Facebook is a fantastic way to communicate and network with people all around the world. It is also a way to learn how your friends are, discover what brings them joy, and feel their suffering alongside of them.

Yesterday I read a status update that stirred my spirit. A mom was lamenting about raising her daughter in today's world. She said "I am wondering how to teach my 12 year old daughter to be grateful, especially when we live in a world of surplus and greed."

How often do we hear this cry?

We so desperately want our children to be different and set apart from the world. We see how the world is transforming our kids when we desire for our kids to be transforming the world. And thus, we lament and grieve deeply that the church is not stepping up and forming us as we should be formed-- and instead, the world is forming us.

So what is a parent to do? We are completely aware we are deeply grieved when our kids want more stuff- but we do not know what to do about it. We feel lost.

I suggested to this dear mother- to look at things a little differently. I asked her if I could get a little crazy and suggest something completely radical.

Perhaps- instead of teaching our children to be grateful for what they HAVE (stuff, that they have what they need- even if it is not as flashy as the next kid), we should be teaching our children to be grateful for WHO THEY ARE (as beautiful children in relationship with their parents and God).

I think all too often we focus on what we have over who we are.

The fact our children want more stuff is only a symptom. It's like the sneeze. We do not say our children have "the sneeze." Rather, our children have a cold and one of their symptoms is a sneeze.

The sneeze in this case- is our children want more stuff. They want to be as cool as the next kid. They want the cutest shoes. They want to dress the best. They need an Ipod and the Jonas Brothers CD. This- is only a sneeze.

The sickness is how we (the church and parents) view our lives. Just like our kids, we care more about our "stuff." We talk in terms of how "grateful we are for what we have" when so many other people have so little. And thus, even our language of being grateful usually reflects STUFF. Just think about what you mentioned at the dinner table last Thanksgiving; for what were you thankful?

Perhaps- we should be focusing on our thankfulness in terms of who we ARE in relation to one another in community. We should be grateful for our families, our church, the little old lady who hugs us in the foyer. We should be grateful for who the church is making us- as a family formed differently in the world.

In other words: Relationships and a transformation of our very being is what matters. We must develop a passion for all who take a breath from the same air we do. And as for that "stuff" we have- this is what the world cares about the most. But remember we are not the world- we are the church! We must be grateful for those who participate in life- and adore them simply because they exist. For when we truly love each other in community, we will have all the "stuff" we need.

It is our relationships in the community of faith that form us to be different in this world. It is who we participate in life with (in the church) that forms us into who we are and who we are becoming. THIS is where our focus of gratefulness should be.

As parents, and as a church, we must teach our children NOT to be grateful for what they have (that they have more than the next person or that they have enough to supply their needs). We need to teach our young people to have a different focus. We MUST teach them to be grateful for who they are and who they are becoming. To be grateful for who they are able to participate in life with and a church family who loves them- simply because they exist.

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The picture you see at the top is from the ministry of "The Simple Way," see (with Shane Claiborne). This ministry helps us focus on living as the slaughtered lamb (as the flag picture above portrays) rather than living by the way of this world. This visual image shouts and declares there is another way for the church to live-- and excites us to figure it out together.

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Monday, July 27, 2009

Ephesians 4:1-16, Butterfly Calling

I think Ephesians 4:1-16 is my sabbatical passage. God led me towards this scripture on Wednesday. Then randomly I went to a church who's non-lectionary pastor picked this passage to preach, and now- it is one of this week's lectionary passages. I think God is trying to speak to me through this portion of scripture. Three times is a little more than coincidental.

This passage reminds me of a butterfly garden. Have you ever visited one of these unique places? First, you walk in through a special door designed to protect the butterflies. Then, as you become a part of the garden- you are amazed.

All the pieces of the garden work together. There are the flowers where the butterflies rest. The vibrant floral design screams of wonder and thrill. There are wooden containers holding the chrysalis, delicate pouches awaiting combustion towards life and hope. The butterflies flutter around you, even resting on your fingers, trusting you to bring care. Flowers provide nutrients for the butterflies. An old lady in a hat reaches her hand to gently make sure all visitors are content and enjoy the wonder of it all.

Butterfly gardens are truly amazing-- much like the body of Christ working together towards the calling of God-- to become who we were created to be.

We need our little old ladies caring for us in community. We need the vibrant fragrance of people's life calling us towards the wonder of our own purpose in God's creation. We need safe places to transform from a chrysalis to a gorgeous, new creation. For we were all created to fly and soar- not rest in the dark. We need people called to do those up front and flashy things for the garden of life. We need behind the scenes persons planting the flowers and turning the soil- things that may never seen by the visitors.

And Ephesians 4 speaks of this calling, the calling of the entire church. We are called to live with humility, gentleness, patience, and love. We are to make every effort for peace. We are to be one body-- young and old alike, remembering our calling. Remembering why we are called together.

Some of us have flashy gifts-- we often called these persons the "called" ones; those called to be apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, or teachers. But ALL gifts, whether flashy and up front or not, are to equip the saints for ministry and build the body of Christ. Even if we are the ones toiling the ground, planting the seeds, and enabling those flashy flowers to grow, we are still beautiful, still called, still created to be something amazing.

Why are we called to this? What is the end goal? Or to get a little philosophical, what is the teleos of such a calling?

The answer according to this passage: To bring all creation to the unity of faith, the knowledge of God, and maturity in Christ. Thus, we (the community) have a goal that we must work toward together-- to bring all of our butterfly garden to the unity, knowledge, and maturity in Christ.

And we must live lives worthy of this calling and purpose, a virtuous life. We must live our lives being formed in faith, hope, and love. For when we are formed by these 3 theological virtues, peace will come. Peace is the result of being formed in Christ.

And to close:

God wants to share this message: Give up trying to make yourself great or trying to make a name for yourself to prove your worth; watch me create you into more than you could ever imagine. You have incredible value simply because you exist; let me enable my imaginative power spark to life as I mold you into who you were created to be-- greater than you are able to make yourself or ever dream to become.

This is my philosophy of ministry, after some sabbatical time of rest.

God can create all of us in this butterfly garden of life-- into amazing and flashy people-- when we become who we were created to be. But all too often we are so insecure, we try to top each other. We work hard at being perceived as the best, making a great name. But the truth is- we are all beautiful and special. If we are being who we were created to be, then we are as flashy as the one receiving all the praise.

So spread your butterfly wings and fly. Become who you were called and created to be- as a part of this community of faith.

Friday, July 24, 2009

"Confessions of a Shopaholic" Movie Review

I watched "Confessions of a Shopaholic" and was pleasantly surprised. From the title, one would assume it would be a movie about a thrift store employee wearing Prada or a documentary of a young, beautiful woman who collects more and more stuff. However, movie titles- like book covers- can be deceiving.

This film should be called "Lady in the Green Scarf." Such a title would be more appropriate as the entire movie centers around the transformation of the girl who needed the green scarf to define her worth-- to the girl who needed the green scarf to remember who she can be as a valuable person (notice the play between "worth" and "value").

Rebecca Bloomwood is a person who is loved and accepted- not because of what she wears- but because of who she is able to participate in life with each day. And thus, the whole movie is about shedding the need to define who you are based on what you have-- to becoming who you can be in community! Sounds like a Pastor Christy sermon-- consumerism transformed into ontology in the context of relationship with God and others! :)

The movie is quite humorous as Amy Adams creates a great mental image of Rebecca. She rubs magazine scents on her neck before an interview, loses her best friend in a pile of designer clothes, mixes up the words "fiscal" and "fish," and a whole host of other things that might cause a few giggles.

My favorite line from the movie comes out of the mouth of Suzie, Rebecca's best friend. When Rebecca takes a job at a savings magazine-- even though bill collectors stalk her constantly, Suzie says "its like an animal rights" person "being trampled by a cow." Nice. I think we had to push pause because I laughed so hard. Good thing I didn't go see it in the theater.

Something one may not catch instantly- is the play between being defined by family and being defined by relationships in family. Fluke, the handsome boss, claims he does not want to be defined by his family (based on his mother's wealth and status). Where as Rebecca's Father claims an RV does not define him, his family does (as in, his participation in their life defines him). It is a worthy distinction to notice.

I think Rebbeca summarizes the problems of consumerism for America ever so beautifully when she is backed into a corner, forced to explain why she shops. She answers: It is because "when I shop, the world gets better." She claims to be happy-- but then, it ends and she has to do it again.

All too often we get caught in the cycle of consumerism. We are convinced we need an item or product because it will change who we ARE. We confuse our very being's worth with someTHING. And thus, we become "oholics" of some sort. Some of us become "alcoholics." Some of us become "shopaholics." Some of us become "sportsaholics." But all of us are addicted to something-- even if that something, is ourselves.

Because what addictions reveal- is our idolatry with ourselves. And if, by chance, you think you are not addicted to anything, go spend time with someone who admits their addiction. You just might learn a little about your own addiction to choosing yourself over God. We all need to be repentative of those times we decide someTHING can make and transform us who we wish we were-- over the times we should have responded to God's constant reaching out to us in love, pulling us towards relationship. Because the most amazing part of it all, is that God can transform us into more than we could have ever dreamed up for ourselves using Prada, Gap, a soccer ball, a CD, alcohol, or a host of other things.

Thanks, "Confessions," for teaching us this.

For a relationship with "someone who loves me back" and with whom we are "never declined" is quite beautiful.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Curiosity and Adventure, Matthew 19:16-27

This is the sermon about curiosity I will preach at Avon Grove Church of the Nazarene, in PA next Sunday. Enjoy the pre-read.

I. Stories of Curiosity

Have you ever been curious?

I remember being curious—especially as a child.

I must have been around 8 years old. We lived in a house next to the woods.

The woods are always a great source to spur on creativity for kids. They are almost magical. As the sun streams down through the trees—it brings the forest to life. The spider webs glow in the sunlight and the rocks with glint glimmer.

Perhaps there is buried treasure in the woods!

Or perhaps there are clues in the woods—leading to an exciting adventure!

When I was a little girl—I was a combination of Sherlock Holmes the detective- meets Indiana Jones the adventurer- meets Laura Ingles Wilder the curious yet naive child. I know- odd combination. I was an odd child. J

But when my cousins came to visit us… the innocent, honorable, adorable Laura Ingles Wilder was put aside and Indiana Jones took over. I was ready for adventure! I wanted to swing through the trees in the woods until, like Sherlock Holmes, I discovered clues—leading to untold tales.

One particular day—my cousins and I were all quite CURIOUS to see what was waiting for us in the woods.

And even though I was warned of the poison ivy, potential bug bites, and sticks that could spring up and cut me—I was ready for investigation and further study into the unknown. I was CURIOUS to see what secret my woods held.

And so very gently we crept into the woods— we were a youthful team of explorers who would find something to change the world forever.

Our CURIOSITY was our guide. Anything could be waiting for us.

And then we found it.

The thing we set our hearts towards.

It was white. It looked porcelain.

It looked quite curious—although it was about an inch long.

It was probably the top to an old vase—but to us, the story of its life was boundless.

Perhaps this white section of china once was held in the hands of early settlers as they made their home in America (it was Thanksgiving time after all, and that story was fresh in our minds), and WE, the 8 year old team of archeologists, had found a piece of their story to be displayed in a museum.

Or perhaps this exciting piece of pottery was left in the woods by a thief while he escaping from the police—and WE, the team of 8 year old detectives, had found the missing link to save the town. We would surely receive medals for that.

Or perhaps this chunk of ceramic was owned by an elderly woman who left her estate to her family upon death—and the poor, mourning family had to sell all their memories of her to buy food to feed their family. Perhaps they longed for just one more piece of the memory—and WE, the team of 8 year old private investigators, had found the last sustaining heirloom for the family.

We were curious—and we were creative.

Our curiosity led us into the woods—and our curiosity for the unknown, kept our minds imaginative and creative.

Transition: I know someone else who was curious.

II. Retelling of Matthew 19:16-27

In Matthew 19 we see Jesus doing his “Good Teacher” thing. We see Jesus preaching. We hear Jesus announcing the Kingdom of God has come—when suddenly, a man approaches.

This man is wealthy. He’s a ruler.

Perhaps he has a beach house for summer breaks, a yacht he takes out on quiet peaceful days.

Perhaps he has a high speed internet and all the cable channels.
(Just seeing if you’re still listening).

So we see this rich guy come up to Jesus.

And he is curious. Quite curious!

He has a question for Jesus. “Teacher,” he asks. “What must I DO to HAVE eternal life?”

Now notice here—the man is quite concerned with doing—and having.

He wants something to DO—so he can HAVE more of what he wants—that is, to live forever.

And what does Jesus say?

Does he comment on either the “doing” or the “having?”


Jesus talks about what is good.

Jesus changes it up. Jesus throws the rich guy a curve ball.

Jesus says, “Only God IS good.”

And we see the rich guy raising an eye brow, feeling even more curious with this odd response from the good teacher.

And so Jesus continues. “You want something to DO- follow the commandments.”

“Follow the commandments?” the rich guy asks. He gets even more curious and claims to have kept all the commandments. But- it’s just (sigh)- he feels like he needs to do more.

The rich guy feels like he’s still lacking—even though he kept all the commandments.

His heart feels empty, incomplete.

He came with curiosity to this teacher to figure out what he must DO to HAVE eternal life—and he already had the 10 commandments answer.

There has to be more! There has to be more to DO in order to inherit eternal life. There has to be something extra to DO!

And Jesus looks at the man with great compassion.

I can just see Jesus’ face softening as he looks at the man in torment- with a smile of love.
And Jesus gently says,

“If you want to be perfect, sell everything you have and give it to the poor—this is how you BECOME beautiful—this is how you participate in the renewal of ALL things.”

And here we are again. Jesus is changing it up again.

The rich man wants to know what to DO—and Jesus shows him who he can BECOME through participation in the renewal of all things.

There’s quite a difference.

Do you catch the difference between DOING and BEING?

You can HAVE a button on your shirt—but you can’t BECOME a button.

You can HAVE a donut for breakfast—but you don’t want to cover yourself in glaze and roll around to BECOME a donut.

You can HAVE a baseball in your hands to twist around—but you don’t want to BECOME a baseball.

But Jesus talks NOT about HAVING the Kingdom of God but BECOMING the Kingdom of God here and now—and suggests the man does it by selling all he has and giving to the poor.

And the rich man’s head hangs.
His eyes gently close.
He sighs.
And as his dark eyes look up at the good teacher he blinks—turning away in great grief.

Wow. What a story.

Transition: We can learn a lot from the curiosity and questions of the Rich Young Ruler.

III. First, we learn: Jesus loves our curious questions.

Jesus loves curiosity! So…


Since Jesus has a tendency to change things up, shake up our questions.

Look at all the times Jesus changes things up in this passage alone:
1. The rich guy says, what must I do? And Jesus does not answer that question—he talks about what is good.
Nice change up, Jesus.

2. Then the rich guy wants to know what he lacks—and Jesus does not deal with that—he talks about giving up everything to become someone who is beautiful.
Excellent modification, Jesus.

3. Then when the rich guy walks away the disciples want to know who can be saved—and Jesus changes that up too! He says, you don’t save. Only God saves.
Wow, yet another great amendment, Jesus.

Jesus is always taking our questions and curiosity and changing it up!

So we must learn—when we come with curiosity (which is a great thing, to be curious about our Jesus)— we must come expecting to be shocked.

For—listen to this. In changing it up on us—by modifying the answer—and by amending our question—Jesus reveals to us something very powerful. Something amazing.

Jesus teaches us: Usually the questions we ask reveal we are focused on something other than what Jesus wants us to be focused on.

IV. And thus second, we learn: Jesus shows us we often are not asking the right questions.


All too often we come expecting a formula or prescription. We come asking the wrong questions. We ask questions about what to DO, just like the rich young ruler.

And Jesus tells us the Kingdom of God is so much more.

The Kingdom of God is about BECOMING who we were created to be “in the renewal of all things,” as it is phrased in this passage.

Scientists may design formulas to make products or medicines.
Mathematicians may create formulas for statistics.
Chefs and cooks might develop formulas for a world famous soufflé.

But our curiosity’s questions for Jesus are not answered with a formula as they are with scientists, mathematicians or chefs.

The Kingdom of God is not a list of things to DO or HAVE. It’s about who we are becoming.
There is no formula.

You do not DO “A” plus “B” and hope “C” is a full, correct list of things to DO in order to inherit eternal life.

Many a famous scholar, teachers, pastors, and speakers might come up with great formulas for what we must DO – but Jesus teaches us something else.

Jesus changes it up. It’s not about what we DO or HAVE. It’s about who we are BECOMING—how we are transformed to become who we were created to BE.

For so long as a young person—I searched for the right thing to DO, much like the rich young ruler.

I can remember sitting in service after service—wondering what in the world I needed to do.
If I could just figure out what to DO—I’d do it!

But Jesus was gently teaching me—in the same way he taught this rich young ruler—it’s not about what you DO.

There’s a big difference between DOING and BEING.

Who you are becoming is so much more important—holds so much more weight than doing a long list of the “right things.”

Friends, it’s not about a long list of things to DO.
It’s about the transformation of who you ARE and who you are becoming—for this changes what you do.

Let me say that again—
Friends, it’s not about a long list of things to DO.
It’s about the transformation of who you ARE—and who you are BECOMING—for this changes what you DO.

The transformation of who you ARE changes what you DO. Did you catch that?
Did you see how I changed it up—just like Jesus did for this rich young ruler?

We often ask questions of what to do—and Jesus says, “ah dear friends—participate in the redemption of creation by BEING who I created you to be! Choose what I want!”

As this scripture passage says- it is about the “renewal of all things.”

The renewal of all things!

This is beautiful!

God has a plan for the renewal of all things—the restoration of creation!

V. And thus, finally, we learn: We can get excited and develop a passion for even more curiosity and thinking about what Jesus says.


Come and see God’s beautiful plan for the redemption and renewal of creation! It is thrilling! It is beyond our expectations.

We get to be surprised!

We get to see how our little lives get caught up in God’s plan.
This is salvation! (Hauerwas and Willimon, “Lord Teach Us to Pray”).

Holiness is one of the most exciting things ever.

It is something to be curious about—to find that child-like curiosity and discover things we never saw before.

Holiness is fun—because we never have it all together.

What joy would we get out of a vacation if we already knew everything that would happen?

What fun would it be to go to a thrift store—if we already knew what was there?

What thrill would there be in going to a sporting event—if we knew how every play would turn out?

The discovery is- the fun!

And holiness—is about a discovery—learning, growing—and participating in the renewal of creation! Holiness is fun--because we never know it all. We get to be curious-- we get to discover.

VI. Conclusion:

Therefore, friends—come with curiosity to Jesus!

Come with curiosity-but expect to be shocked.
Come with curiosity- to learn about becoming new and transformed.
Come with curiosity- and get excited. This is fun!

This is an adventure—something to be inquisitive and CURIOUS about as we encounter the one whom loves, gives hope—and in whom we have faith.

Let’s pray together today:

VII. Prayer:

Lord God, we are so excited for the exciting beauty of your plan.

We want our little lives to get caught up in your vision for the redemption of creation and the renewal of all things.

Give us the passion for discovery.

Grant us the vision for who we might become.

Remind us—our questions of “doing” simply reveal our focus on ourselves and what we want—over what you want for us—to become the kinds of people who do and act because of who we are and who we are becoming.

So often we barely know who we are- let alone whose we are.

Remind us we are yours.

And thus we are the kinds of people who act differently because of whose we are.

And we are a unique and beautiful community—your church.

Make us who you created us to be.

Develop within us a curiosity to see your vision.

Create in us the eyes to see and the hearts to transform the world.

We love you, Lord.


Monday, July 6, 2009

General Assembly Review

I wrote a review of Nazarene General Assembly 2009 in Orlando Florida.

You can find it on Jon Twitchell's site (along with several other GA articles, a resolution tracker, and much more) at:

It is wonderful to have a renewed sense of hope after this General Assembly. We can hear God calling the Church of the Nazarene to an exciting plan for redemption. It is fun to watch it unfold and come to life before our eyes.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Nazarenes and Infant Baptism

One of the hottest topics up for debate at the 2009 General Assembly was infant baptism (due to resolution MED-523 concerning manual paragraph 800.2).

Those of us unable to attend General Assembly in Orlando watched with baited breath as the debate raged before our eyes.
A college friend noticed my concern to eliminate infant baptism and began to ask really great questions. Her inquisitive spirit pushed me towards putting my thoughts in writing and I thought I would post them here, for my readers to see.

The picture at the top of this post is of my son's baptism. The minister is Rev. Phil Hamner at Overland Park Church of the Nazarene, September 10, 2006. Jayden is a little over three months old.

My friend asked: "Does the Church of the Nazarene (COTN) really believe in infant baptism?"

Such a question caused great excitement for me as I jumped to answering the question. I answered:

"We, as the COTN, do practice infant baptism. My son was baptized as a baby and the minister said something along the lines of, "Do you, as his parents, promise to raise him in the community, so he will learn he is a part of this community through baptism now?”
For the beauty of infant baptism- is it reminds us none of us KNOW enough to be baptized. My little boy did not know enough as a squirming little baby, I did not know enough as a bratty 13 year old, and the ancient old man does not even know enough. It is GOD who makes the covenant with us—drawing us towards the beauty of who we were called to be. As the water is on us, we die to ourselves—with Christ—and when the water is washed away—we rise again with Christ to new life. It is not so much about our level of knowledge as we enter into this community through this sacrament. It is about God.
Since my son was baptized as a little baby and there is no way he can remember it, we celebrate his baptism birthday every year- to remind him he is a part of the community. I usually give him a special gift and have a special dinner- so that as he grows up he will remember his baptism and that he is special. It was the day he entered into the community of faith. He is a part of us- and we are raising him together- to help him learn who he was created to be.

So infant baptism also reminds us, the community of faith, of our responsibility as a community- for our children. It reminds us we are one body- caring for one another, loving one another, and raising up our children to BECOME a different kind of people. A people who work towards the redemption of creation. A people who chose to love (which is very different than the world). A people who show the world who they could be."

Then my friend asked another great question in follow-up. She questioned, "Is that different than when we dedicate children to the church? Do you "sprinkle' water on the baby? I guess I am just curious as to how it is done."

That was a GREAT question. Of course, if you know me, I was thrilled to keep answering an inquisitive mind. I responded:

"Babies are not immersed (normally) because of the physical danger involved for dunking an infant's head. When my son was baptized, water was poured over the back of his head 'in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.' For the COTN affirms sprinkling, pouring, dunking (etc) for baptism. "

And then, several of my theological scholar friends jumped in on the conversation and gave some beautiful points I would like to share next:

Rev. Melissa DeBono added: "In my local church (Nazarene) we baptize infants as the rule and only do dedications for those parents who ask for it. The liturgy is very similar to a dedication liturgy, with the parents and the congregation vowing to support the infant in their discipleship journey. This past spring we ran a confirmation class for a group of teens who had been... Read More baptized as infants and gave them the opportunity to confirm the faith they had been baptized into. (There is Naz. curriculum for this course) I was baptized as an adolescent, and I can look back at key moments of making my faith my own, but really, infant baptism would have better represented my life of faith than randomly choosing some time down the stream of faith to participate in the initiation rite of the Holy catholic Church."

Rev. Jeff Parsons commented: "Infant baptism is supported Scripturally. In 1 Cor. 1:16, Paul states he baptized "the household of Stephanus," with household being a term involving the extended family, including the young children & infants. You can also infer from Acts 10-11 that Peter baptized the entire household of Cornelius. Theologically, it is completely in line with the Church. Read more Wesleyan doctrine of prevenient grace, which declares that the Holy Spirit is at work in one's heart long before they come to accept Christ as savior. Baptism is not ultimately about us; it's about God."

Rev. Mike Fraley then explained: "When people have difficulty understanding infant baptism, I often explain to them about one of the many meanings of baptism. Baptism is not solely about the remission of sins (otherwise Jesus would not have been baptized). It is in part about the initiation into the Church. Obviously, we accept our small children as part of the church community. We baptize them as a symbol of them being recipients of God's grace as they grow to spiritual maturity."

To see an example of infant baptism in the COTN, please see my friend (Rev. David Young's) blog at: Dave baptizes his young daughter, Hannah, and shows us the beauty of infant baptism. He also explains why he baptized his young daughter. It is beautiful and I would highly encourage you to read and watch this liturgy of infant baptism.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Dr. Bowing's Rescinds Election to GS

I typed as much of the speech as I could for anyone who missed it. You can read it here. Forgive me for the pieces I missed-- but you can see the general message.


Dr. Middendorf:

"We always want to be sure, however, to the checks of the Spirit- the direction of the Spirit."

"We as a board-- had an opportunity to think and plan through the day. And we were asked to give attention to a statement we have heard. And we want now for you to hear."

"Dr. John Bowling has asked to address the assembly."

"Will you give your heart-felt attention to his words."


Dr. Bowling:

"I was awakened about 3:00 by the Lord."

"I was moved, as you were, when Dr. Duarte was elected."

"Last night when Dr. Graves was elected-- that same feeling was there."

"I however, have been delayed."

"I so much wanted to do what was right. And felt like I did not want to disappoint you or the Lord or anyone."

"I am hereby resending my decision to accept the General Superintendency. I am embarrassed by that- and ask your forgiveness."

"But we serve a God of peace-- and I do not have that peace."


Dr. Middendorf:

"This is the Lord's Church."

"He said-- I will build my church. I am convinced that the Lord still desires to give us his direction, his wisdom."

"We have had a remarkable GA. We have sensed the presence of the Spirit. We have seen things occur that have been historic in proportion. This 27th GA is one to never be forgotten."

"God having spoken to Dr. Bowling-- and feeling very clearly this is the mind of God for him-- God has a mind for us as well. We rest in that. We are confident in that. And so we believe it is our responsibility to move immediately into the process of electing a 38th."

"In checking with our parliamentarian- it is appropriate to accept the decision of Dr. Bowling-- and then move."

"But we would like to ask the church, the delegation, to begin this process in prayer."

"I ask that all the delegation-- from each world region-- each district-- to gather. We want to spend the next few minutes praying together- and seeking together, the peace of God. And then seeking the mind of God. I don't think there's any panic in heaven. Let's rest in him. Let's move forward with conviction that God will make known to us, his mind."

"May I ask now- the delegations gather- and we will spend some time in prayer."


And let me add: My respectometer just went sky-rocket high. For Dr. Bowling to humble himself THAT much to give up his position, to take on embarrassment and humiliation-- and listen to God-- that takes some spiritual guts. And I'm proud-- to be a part of a church where our leaders are vulnerable for a purpose.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Anger: Mangry Sinners in the Hands of a Redemptive God

I have days when I'm angry. Have you ever been angry? I mean, so angry you mix up the words "angry" and "mad" to invent a new word-- "mangry?"

I've had days where I'm THAT mangry-- and I know a few others who've felt that way too.

However... how often do we hear this play in our heads when we start to feel the normal human emotion of anger?: "Good Christians (especially good ordained elders) should not get angry. Seriously- what would people think?" And-- "God, what would God think? We can't be mangry."

Well, today I'm throwing those thoughts out the window. Chuck it out with me-- everyone just go ahead and shout "Whoop-dee-doo."

(I'm listening).

Yeah, "Whoop-dee-do." That's what we're saying today. Because today, we're going to feel some normal human anger.

Horrid things happen to us. Mean people screw us into the wall and then laugh when we hang crooked. We get humliated, mortified, embarassed. People in power shouldn't be in power. Other people's sin limits us. That's a lot to be angry about, wouldn't you say?

So there's days I'm mangry. You've been mangry. Maybe you're mangry now. And that's okay. We have lots of reasons to be mangry.

So-- together, let's be those "mangry sinners in the hands of a loving, redemptive God," who's divine, powerful, and strong enough to deal with us-- even when we're angry. Let's, together, tell God why we're angry. Let's just spew out what makes us mad.

Go ahead, God is listening-- and I really can't hear what you're saying.

And then-- when our verbal vomit of anger is complete and we silence our spirits-- let us listen carefully to what God says.

Because I know, if we are committed to making pure, holy, and choices of LOVE even in our human anger, God will redeem... even the things we are angry about today. FAITH in God to redeem even the things that make us angry... makes all the difference in the world. So, let's together feel normal human anger-- but with the HOPE that God will use, even our anger and the sinful things we get angry about, towards the redemption of creation.

I believe in a God who can redeem ALL things. Nothing is beyond God's redemption. Not even anger or things that make us mad.

(The picture from this post is my own photography-- from a hike I took during sabbatical. This picture reminds me of creation's redemption-- even in anger).

Friday, June 19, 2009

Stones and Waves

This picture was taken by Cassie Tillas, a good friend of mine and excellent photographer.

The unassigned ordained elder (pointing to herself as she types) is itching to preach... so I am posting this for for my lectionarychat friends who are preaching this week. :)

The passages for this week are Mark 4:35-41 and 1 Samuel 17:1a, 4-11, 19-23, 32-49.

I read the Mark passage earlier this week and studied the 1 Sam passage today for awhile. The question that dominated my thoughts, as I read 1 Sam, came from the mouth of my pro-war and pro death penalty friend: "How do you deal with David and Goliath as a person of non-violence?"

Good question.

I decided this was actually a humorous passage. I mean, big & powerful Goliath comes with swords, toothpics, and spears and David comes with a tiny, itsy-bitsy piece of creation (a stone)and the name of the Lord. The violence is stopped with a tiny, smooth rock. I mean, how is that not funny?

The sword, spear, and big-mean giant are stopped with a stone. Not even a big rock. Not even a mountain. A tiny stone.

That's funny.

Which I think connects to Kaza's point (on lectionarychat) about Jesus in the boat. She points out that it is Jesus who holds the power in the boat. It is Jesus who holds God's power- because he IS God. Great points, Kaza.

Which makes me ask: Who holds the power? God or man? God or Goliath? God or the confused disciples?

God shows us who holds the power with a tiny rock and a few waves.

It's like... the rock used to stop the violence of Goliath was made smooth in the water (it got pushed around until it was refined and smooth)... and the disciples get rocked around in a boat (and made smooth) to be used and transformed.

Then we see that smooth rock be used by God to redeem and reconcile. And soon in Mark, we will see the disciples invite people to join in the adventure of God's story to redeem all of creation.

These are exciting passages to preach and would be so fun to weave together. Are you being made smooth like the stone? Are you being rocked like the disciples by the waves?

Who holds the power? God does. God is still in control and has not been shocked by our suffering or afflictions (our being rocked by the water and waves).

And God just might use you, a tiny, insigificant little stone (rocked by the waves and made smooth in suffering) to get caught up in God's plan to redeem creation.

You just might find yourself... as the smooth stone used to do crazy things... like take down giants. Or you might find yourself as a disciple, bearing witness to the power of God in Jesus.

"Feed Me:" Transforming from Baby Birds to Soaring Icons

I recently read an interesting book "Telling God's Story: Narrative Preaching for Christian Formation" by John W. Wright (Published by InterVarsity Press, 2007).

When I picked up this text in a Pasadena store, I was interested in reading this book over the hundreds of others in the "Archives" for several reasons. First, the author was my friend's mentor and having personal connections to the author often helps you pick up a book and start reading. Why else would any of us care that Stephanie Meyer was an English major? We like to connect to our authors.

Second, I wanted to read this book because I love the language about participating in God's story to redeem creation. This is the lens by which I read scripture and thus preach every sermon; to call people to participation in God's plan to restore and redeem creation.

And although these were the reasons I picked up the book, I gleaned so much more from these pages.

The book begins with commentary on today's church and my own heart lamented its truth. All too often congregations cry out "feed me," "feed me," much like baby birds. The picture you see here, at the beginning of this blog, was taken by my friend Cassie Tillas.

And much like my idea of tiny baby birds, Wright says often the church "gathers to enable individuals to find God's help for various personal problems" and "feed them as individuals" (10).

Although anyone could have written a book with those facts, Wright takes it much futher. He delves deep into why this is a problem; what it is that causes the Church of Jesus Christ to think this way. Wright talks about the infleunce of an individualistic, consumer oriented culture, the theraputic experience, and traces the theological figures who enabled us to get to this baby bird mentality.

He also sets up a difference between comedy and tragedy. All too often we preach using comedy. The end is resolved; no matter what drama happens, we end up in a happy, beautiful place.

However, tragedy "shatters the presupposition that it will all work out" (33) and he describes how such vulnerability opens doors for transformation. For it is those tragic moments that pave the way to enable repentance when we are called out of our society, our individual lives, and asked to participate in the very story of God.

Wright talks about how preaching with a tragic moment sends "shock waves" (43) through the church and people may revolt crying out "feed me" even louder; for they desire to be nourished and leave feeling good. But the task of a preacher is to call them out of this mentality and set them up for an exciting adventure where they become "characters participating in God's redemption of the world through Christ and the church" (159).

Shock waves create conflict. Conflict creates tension. Tension creates stress for the preacher; and unfortunately some of us do not make it past those tragic moments to watch our people flourish and become who they were created to be. And thus, those of you who know me well, can understand how reading this book was extremly redemptive for me.

The hardest part of this text to read were the parts I took my pen and wrote "sad" in the margin. These were the sentences: In today's interpretation of scripture "each individual became the story's central actor," "God may play a supporting role" in each story but only "based upon the will of the individual," thus making THE STORY, the story of "personal salvation" (53). Truly sad.

How different is this individualistic, baby bird mentality from the vision to enter into the story of God; to particpating in the redemption and salvation of all creation? I am not even sure that can be answered adequately. It is as different as you can imagine... speaking of tragedy; that ought to make you puke.

Perhaps this breaks my heart most of all because I know he is right; this is what dominates preaching these days. And thus: How will the people in the church today learn to jump out of the nest to soar as an icon (reflecting the divine image) for the world if we preach messages aimed at feeding and nourishing the individual?

When we preach to nourish the individual and "feed them" only our witness to the world becomes static. But what we are called to, as Wright says multiple times, is to live as a "peculiar people;" a people on "an adventure" to live as a sign of God's redemption in the world" (74).

Now that's exciting!

Thus, the goal of our preaching should be to preach the "teleos" of creation's redemption. Wright spends a significant amount of time teaching us HOW to do that. And if I've convinced you this book is worthwhile, I would highly recommend picking up this book and learning how to preach and interpret scripture in this beautiful story of God.

Thankfully, Wright does not end with just words in preaching. He talks about the actions that go along with the rhetoric. Wright tells us there are three things we must do (in chapter 5). We must take part in the Eucharist, forgive and reconcile, and sharing and hospitality. He says, "the practices of a local congregation provide the rhetoric background through which the Spirit might form and sustain a peculiar people" (128).

Wright uses the language of "formation" and habits (91) but having the passion for virtue ethics that I do, I could expand on these two phrases forever.

I smiled when he talked about the preacher being formed by the virtues of faith, hope, and love. For the virtue ethicist knows these are the three theological virtues, according to St. Thomas Aquinas.

Virtue ethics teaches us to be formed by faith, hope, and love and it is my passion to become creative and imaginative about how we might be formed this way.

We were formed incorrectly; many pastors know this; Wright put it in print for us to convince us of this. However, Wright is right. :) We need to think through what it means to be re-formed into a new narrative; a new way of thinking.

What will it take to shock us out of our habit of acting like baby birds, begging the preacher to feed us so we feel good?

I have several ideas, expanding on Wright's third point (sharing and hospitality); all of which include "getting dirty."

We spend time with the "least of these." We hang out with people in our community, inviting them and loving them as our community (even if they are the "stranger" as Wright calls it). We get down on our knees and scrub the floors. We allow our pastors to spend more time with the poor than the rich. We act like the people outside our church doors are as valuable as those with power. When people lose their hope and dreams, we remind them of who they CAN be; who they were created to be. We treat them like the people God envisions for them to be.

I would add, to Wright's great start in this discussion, that I believe... the way we learn how to "get dirty" is through the practices of the church (as I write over and over). For example, when we give something up for Lent, we learn a new habit. We are re-formed into a different kind of people. We learn how to give up something for God and thus when it comes time to give up our time or money for someone else, we were formed to do so. In other words, we are being formed differently through the action of self-denial. When we fast, we learn a new habit. We are shocked out of our old habit and learn a new one.

Perhaps what the church needs today, is a huge fast where we together give up what we want to learn where our little lives get caught up in God's plan for redemption of creation; where we are shocked to the point of being formed differently; that we might become a different people together.

And if my commentary and additions do not convince you to read this book, maybe Stanley Hauerwas can. He recommends it. :)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Dirty Hearts

While I am on sabbatical I have a lot more time to study various passages of scripture. Usually I focus on one scripture each week; eating, breathing, and sleeping that one passage as I prepare to preach it. But while I'm on sabbatical, I read one or two passages a day. I feel spoiled.

Today I studied Luke 8:5-8, 11-15. The Parable of the Sower. Or as I like to call it: Dirty Hearts.

The story goes like this. A farmer (we'll call him Joe Bob, I am in southern Virginia for sabbatical afterall) goes out with a bag of seeds. I can see him carrying his big ol' bag, not even struggling under the weight. He reaches his hand in and casts out the first batch. They fall on the dirty dusty pathway. He takes another handful; they fall on some rocks. He reaches in and grabs another handful; they fall amongst weeds. And then he casts the last bit out, emptying the bag onto the ground as the seeds land on the good soil. And then Joe Bob walks into his house and waits for harvest.

The seeds that fell on the dirt path were trampled by his seven year old twins; and then the birds came and ate them. Farmer Joe Bob shakes his head and sighs.

The seeds that fell on the rocks started to grow but wilted quickly because they could not find nutrients or moisture to survive.

The seeds that fell amongst the weeds started to grow but Farmer Joe Bob watched as they choked and died.

The final seeds fell on good soil and grew and produced fruit beyond Farmer Joe Bob's wildest dreams. His twin boys had enough food for their whole entire school to come over for an end of the year party. It was a grand event that included large moonwalk blowups, cotton candy, and balloons.

And now what is the point of this story with my amusing additions of Farmer Joe Bob and his twins?

The seed is the Word of God. Many people hear the Word of God. But not all of our hearts are the same.

Some of our hearts are like the dirt path. We hear the Word but we get trampled easy.

Some of our hearts are like the rocks. We hear the Word but when things get tough we fall away because our roots don't go deep enough for nutrients.

Some of our hearts are like the thorns. We hear the Word but the cares, riches, and pleasures of this world choke us before we can ever produce fruit.

And... some of our hearts are like the good soil (dirty hearts). We hear the Word and we hold onto the Word. We become honest. We become good. We bear fruit. We learn to be patient, enduring even in suffering and trials.

So what kind of a heart do you have? Is it trampled? Is it rocky? Is it thorny?

Or is your heart dirty with rich, good soil?

As I was reflecting on this passage I heard God say... my church is filled with many types of hearts from thorny to dirty. All of us, in the church, heard the Word of God and were transformed by it in some way. But not all people, even church leaders, have dirty hearts. The church is often a place for those who are dealing with thorns or seeking, with desperation, more nutrients.

And so as I read this passage I began to grieve for the church of God; to pray for those who might be thorny, trampled, or seeking nutrients amongst the rocks. And I prayed that my own heart would become as dirty with good soil as possible; that in these times of deep suffering God would make my heart quite dirty so that I might produce fruit that points us all towards the redemption of creation.

God have mercy on your church. We so desperately need you. May we all have dirty hearts.