Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Top 10 Ways to Know You’re a Nazarene Gone Wild this Spring:

Written in McDonalds by the Trinity Church of the Nazarene Youth Group; special credit to Charlie Boyd, Erica Phillips, and Alexis Johnson—You all crack this Preacha Chick up.

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10. You circle mistakes in the bulletin- for fun.

9. You go to church and do not have a potluck.

8. You send text messages during church and Sunday School.

7. You use your bulletin insert as a “to do” list.

6. You watched PG13 Movies… in the theater… and did not feel guilty.

5. You speak to other parishioners in text lingo just to watch their confusion (which is np; roflol)

4. You watched a nooma video… and liked it.

3. You mouthed the words in the Cantata this year.

2. You know that “Nickleback” is not change one receives from a dollar; after spending 95 cents.

1. You think hip hop is a good form of exercise.


Anonymous said...

These are a riot. I'm a long ways out the youth group (at least by age) but had to plead guilty on several counts. Thanks for sharing!

Christy Gunter said...

Larry- you love to dance hip hop; don't you? That is the one you pleaded guilty on; I just know it. I can see it now. :)

~Valerie said...

You all make me proud!

Unknown said...

Hah. Yup I've def done all of these things with Pride!!!! You're awesome & you crack me up!! I'm so proud to call you my big sis!!