Tomorrow is my last Sunday as the senior pastor of Trinity Church of the Nazarene. I believe God is calling me to find my way back to children's ministry; where I am afraid my heart was left. However, this means I will be leaving behind several I love; including a 15 year old named Alexis.
Alexis is a special kid. When I was sobbing behind the pulpit from more torment than anyone under 90 can understand, she was the first to fearlessly run up on stage to hug her pastor. I will never forget our fantastic memories of painting a wall of the teen room "taxi cab yellow" or being (certainly) one of the only senior pastors ever to take their teenagers to a Toby Mac concert. She committed her life to God and said she wanted to sing and dance on stage too; and she could. I have the vision to see who she is becoming and it is amazing.
Tomorrow, as I sob again, I will give her a ring to match the one I wear. It reads "faith, hope, love." Depending on which virtue I need more divine help from, I twist it around that way. It's been my divine calling card when I am in such torment and anguish I am unable to find words to pray with my normal gift to use eloquent words.
I will give this ring to her with a letter. I wanted to put it on this blog so when the ink smears and the color fades... she can find her letter here. Maybe some of my readers can glean a little something special from Alexis and I's pastor/teen relationship too.
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Dear Alexis,
You are an amazing person and I love you so much. No matter what; always remember Pastor Christy loves you and believes in you. You're incredibly special and God thinks so too.
I'm giving you a ring that reads "faith, hope, and love" for so many reasons. These are termed the "theological virtues" by some old, dead dude named St. Thomas Aquinas. I think he was right... especially since Corinthians says much the same (1 Cor 13:13).
Faith. Whatever you do, wherever you go, whomever you become... develop the virtue of faith. Faith is about trusting in God, even when you're certain you cannot see God's hand at work. Faith is about depending on God even when everything collapses around you and you are certain you are caught in eternal darkness from the misery and pain in your life; when you can barely pick yourself up out of bed because of the horror and despair around you. Faith is repeatedly confessing belief God is still present and active even when you cannot clearly see it. Faith reminds us of the hope that things will not always remain in the present reality of suffering.
Hope. Whatever you do, wherever you go, whomever you become... develop the virtue of hope. Hope towards a restored, redeemed, and renewed creation; where there is no violence, manipulation, power-plays, or painful degrading words to be spoken. I know you wish people in the church acted differently and said different things; for you witnessed far more than anyone ever should. But I tell you this-- you can become the church you wish it was. Always hope for it. Always love enough to become it.
Love. Whatever you do, wherever you go, whomever you become... develop the virtue of love. Imagine a mother with her newborn baby. That little one cannot do a thing for the mother or give the mother any great gift. But she loves this baby anyway. She loves this child simply because it exists. Do the same. Love people... simply because they exist.
And when faith, hope, and love are developed in a person and in a community... I think the most amazing thing happens. Peace. Our characters become so reflective of the person of Jesus Christ, peace is possible. Peace is so much more than the absence of conflict. Peace is so much more than a lack of war. Peace is about a transformation of so many person's character in community that we care more about what God wants than what we want. We set aside our petty desires and selfish ambitions and let others be honored, praised, and preferred above ourselves.
Faith, hope, and love. Wear the ring; remember what God taught you through this crazy, slightly messed up, Preacher Chick.
Again, I love you Alexis. You're so special.
Pastor Christy
Pastor Christy
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