Saturday, February 28, 2009

LENT DEVOTIONS, Journey Towards the Renewed Covenant: The Covenant of Land and Descendants

Written by: Rev. Kazimiera I.H. Fraley and Rev. Christy Gunter-Leppert for March 1-8, 2009.

Daily Meditation One

Genesis 17:1-7, 15-17

God makes a covenant with Abraham and Sarah. Until this point Abraham tried to gain God’s promise through his own means. God gently reminds Abraham of the covenant with him and his descendents.

God chooses to accomplish this promise in a seemingly impossible way and Abraham laughs in response. Old ladies do not give birth; not to mention that Sarah has remained barren all her days.

This story reminds us of the importance to always remember God can and will fulfill the promises God makes, no matter how impossible they may seem to us.

Reflection Questions
What promises has God made to you?

Have you ever “laughed” when being presented with the promises of God?

In what impossible ways does God want to work through you in this preparatory season?

Lord, when I laugh at the impossible – use my laughter to remind me, I cannot do anything alone. Only you can fulfill your promises. The impossible is envisioned with possibility in light of your power and plan.

Weekly Action
Take time to allow God to give you an impossible vision, to work God’s plan, to renew people’s lives, to give you a promise for you life and trust that God can and will accomplish this in and through you.

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Daily Meditation Two

Psalm 22:19-31

Even in our sorrow, fear, and suffering we are called to give praise to God. We need to glorify God even in the terrible, horrible, down times of suffering. We may feel our lives are falling apart and we are standing in the ashen remains.

We are to sing of the greatness of God, no matter what is going on in our lives. The Psalmist reminds us, it is by giving God glory that others, even the unborn for generations to come, can see the true greatness because of how we lived our lives.

Reflection Questions
What makes you feel like you are under the sword, with the dogs, in a lion’s mouth, hung by the horn of bull?

Can you find a way to praise God even in the midst of that suffering?

God, sometimes I suffer. Sometimes I hurt. Sometimes my pain is so severe I can barely breathe. In spite of this – I struggle to reach my frail arms up and praise you. You are great, holy and worthy of praise. May the words of my mouth and the thoughts deep within me – holler out praise for generations to come.

Weekly Action
Take time to allow God to give you an impossible vision, to work God’s plan, to renew people’s lives, to give you a promise for you life and trust that God can and will accomplish this in and through you.

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Daily Meditation Three

Mark 8:31-38

How many times are we presented with this passage and thought about how misguided Peter was when he rebuked Jesus?

How often do we, like Peter, put the things we think (and what other people in the world around us think) ahead of the things of God?

We forget we are being just like Peter. We are telling God the way things should be instead of humbly allowing God to tell us. We need to sit back, listen accept the words of God when he speaks to us, and allow God to accomplish God’s will and God’s way for this world through us.

Reflection Questions
Is there anything God is speaking with you about letting go of; be it something you want (like Peter) over something God wants?

How can you allow God to work through you in the ways God chooses instead of choosing for yourself?

Lord God, take all my desires for what I want and mold them to what you want. Forgive me for telling you how things should be. I humbly confess before you and desire to listen for your will and way

Weekly Action
Take time to allow God to give you an impossible vision, to work God’s plan, to renew people’s lives, to give you a promise for you life and trust that God can and will accomplish this in and through you.

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Daily Meditation Four

Romans 4:13-25

Even when presented with a laughable promise Abraham trusted God. We can also know God will always keep promises.

Paul reminds us that although Abraham did not see the ultimate and final fulfillment of the promise made to him, God was still faithful to fulfill those promises.

Sometimes we look at our lives and feel God has left us. We think God is not fulfilling promises in our lives. We must remember, even when God seems distant or God’s promises will never come, God is always faithful.

Faith is not a lack of doubt. Faith is trusting God even when we doubt. It is trusting God to accomplish the impossible even when we have uncertainty and can not see the vision of God for ourselves. God is faithful and true; always.

Reflection Questions
In what ways do you doubt the promises of God?

How can you express faith and trust in God, even when you doubt?

Lord God, I submit my belief or lack of belief to you. I praise you, trusting you are able to do what you promise. I believe you can accomplish the seemingly impossible – even when we cannot.

Weekly Action
Take time to allow God to give you an impossible vision, to work God’s plan, to renew people’s lives, to give you a promise for you life and trust that God can and will accomplish this in and through you.

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