I published a pastoral prayer (on Nov 30) and lamented about how hard it is to hit that "publish post" button for prayers. But since that post, I received more (personal) feedback on that prayer than almost any other post. It seems, my vulnerability to allow my written prayers to be read by others made a huge difference.
Some of you even prayed these words to God yourself. And if I can help you discover a voice and find words to speak to God, than who am I to hold back these prayers?
And so (again) because I care more about God's plan for redemption than I do my desire to keep my prayers to myself, here are the two other pastoral prayers I prayed during the Advent season. The picture you see above is from "scripturepics.org," a great resource for pastors and church ministry leaders.
Pastoral Prayer for December 21, 2008 (4th Sunday of Advent, LOVE):
Lord God, the one who graciously extends mercy and love when you call, create, and redeem us.
Thank you for being a God who continuously reaches out for us, no matter what we do- or who we are.
Thank you for continuing to call us no matter how insignificant we feel.
We come before you in love and adoration for who you are and thus, who you are making us... people who respond to your gracious action with passion, creativity, and imagination to BE your Kingdom- to BE your body to the world, who so desperately needs you.
We lift up the needs of this body to you. * Prayers for my People*
Lord God, take all of who we are- all of who we really are (the lowly and insignificant) and make us into more than we could ever imagine or dream for ourselves.
Take our hearts on this 4th Sunday of Advent and set them on fire with hope, peace, love, and joy. May all we say and do in worship help form us into people who become a part of what you are doing to redeem all of creation.
We want to be a part of what you are doing- it's exciting. It's thrilling.
Thank you for calling us insignificant people to take part in your significant plans for all of creation.
We love you Lord, Amen.
Pastoral Prayer, December 7, 2008 (2nd Sunday of Advent, PEACE):
Lord God of all comfort and peace, draw us near to you even now.
On this day, this second Sunday of Advent- where we focus on the power of your peace, transform the ways we think about peace.
Show us the places and spaces where we looked for ways to replace your peace- the ways we tried to make ourselves safe without any regard to your peace.
And please, dear Lord, forgive us. Your peace changes everything-- even our need to feel secure.
Your plan for creation, your plan for peace, is so much greater than our plans.
Forgive us for loving our plans so much more than your beautiful plans. Forgive us for loving what we want more than what you ask of us.
We submit to you and your plan to redeem all of creation-- in your idea of peace; not our own.
We trade what we want for what you want.
And Lord, bring your peace deep into the suffering of this congregation. *Prayers for my People*
Lord God, be near to those in the places around the world where peace seems impossible. Be with those suffering so imensly around the globe, their very life may end even today... because of a lack of your peace.
Hold them close. It's not fair they suffer so much. It's not fair they die.
With your eyes, we see them.
With your heart, we love them.
With your compassion, we suffer knowing they suffer.
Please dear God, hold the dying, oppressed, and suffering so close to you- they feel your heartbeat and breath. And show us, your Church, how to breathe your peace all around the world... where peace seems beyond our reach.
Remind us nothing is impossible with you.
We love you Lord, set our hearts on fire- even now. To become the kinds of people who love your peace- and have a vision for how your peace can change even the most chaotic places around the globe.
Calm the chaotic waters in our hearts that we might help calm the chaotic waters of those whom you love; even if they are, at this moment, completely invisible to us.
We love you Lord, Amen.
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