Friday, November 28, 2008

Coming of Our Lord Advent Devotions, WEEK TWO

Week Two: Preparing for the Lord to Come, November 30th - December 6. Written by: Rev. Kazimiera I.H. Fraley and Rev. Christy Gunter-Leppert

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Meditation One: Isaiah 40:1-11

Read Isaiah 40:1-11

Throughout the Old Testament, God's people are compared to a wayward bride who turned away from her husband to find fulfillment in other places. Far too often, it is easy to get caught up in the culture of this world and allow it to lure us away from the things of God. But even in our unfaithfulness, God is still a loving, faithful, and committed husband who speaks kindly to us and calls for us to return. In this season of preparation for the Lord's coming, we need to hear God's voice as we are called to return to God.

Reflection for the Day:
In what ways have you wandered away from the habits of God? Take time to allow God to gather you back into God’s loving arms, so you will be His, and only his; whole and complete once again.

Daily Prayer:
Lord God, all too often we are like the wayward spouse, finding pleasure in the things of this world instead of being faithful to you. Forgive us for our unfaithfulness. Forgive us for turning our backs on your glory, beauty, and light. Thank you for loving us. Thank you for being committed to us, no matter what we've done or who we've allowed ourselves to become.

Weekly Action:
Find one person in your life who needs forgiveness, reconciliation, or restored hope. Go to that person and allow God to work his actions and speak his Word, through you, to them.

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Meditation Two: Psalm 85:1-2, 8-13

Read Psalm 85:1-2, 8-13

As we prepare ourselves for the Lord to come, cry out with the Psalmist. Hear what God says. Too many times we try to speak for the Lord and act on God’s behalf in our own whole-hearted and misguided attempt to change God towards what we think is best.

Mary allowed her son, Jesus Christ, to be born in her and change her. In this same way, allow God's actions to shape and move us instead of attempting to shape and move God towards us. Being prepared for God to come means we are ready to allow God to change us and be born in us.

Reflection for the Day:
How do you attempt to force God's hand instead of allowing God to be the mover and changer? Do you ever pray simply to move and change God to your will? What can you do about these misguided attempts?

Daily Prayer:
Lord God, change us. Forgive us for the times we passionately thought we were acting as you would act but were so wrong. We are simply putty – play dough - the clay. Mold us, so that we would be shaped by you.

Weekly Action:
Find one person in your life who needs forgiveness, reconciliation, or restored hope. Go to that person and allow God to work his actions and speak his Word, through you, to them.

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Meditation Three: 2 Peter 3:8-15a

Read 2 Peter 3:8-15a

How many Christmas cards do you see with the phrase "Peace on Earth and Goodwill to Men?" As humans we often feel peace and goodwill are beyond our reach and control. Knowing God is coming at a time God alone is preparing; and God is the Alpha, Omega, beginning and the end, allows God to create two things within us. First, it unleashes God to change us in ways that prepare us to receive Christ in all his fullness, which brings goodwill to all of creation. And second, it also allows us to be agents of God's peace in a chaotic and backwards world.

Reflection for the Day:
Where do you see God's peace and goodwill changing your life and those who pass through your life? How does seeing the peace of God allow you to prepare for the Lord's coming?

Daily Prayer:
Lord God, as you prepare us for your coming- show us how your plan for peace and goodwill on earth involves us. Show us how your peace and goodwill are within our reach and control because it is you who is in us.

Weekly Action:
Find one person in your life who needs forgiveness, reconciliation, or restored hope. Go to that person and allow God to work his actions and speak his Word, through you, to them.

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Meditation Four: Mark 1:1-8

Read Mark 1:1-8

In the same way Santa Claus calls for children to prepare themselves for his coming by asking them to live exemplary and perfect lives, John the Baptist hollers from the desert for us to prepare for the coming Christ. We need to be like children heeding Santa's call and turn, as John calls for us to do, away from living to please ourselves alone and live as ones given over to the goodness of God.

Reflection for the Day:
Look at the way the children around you are changing the way they live to be prepared for the fictional coming of Santa. Think of ways you can allow God to change you as you prepare for Christ's coming.

Daily Prayer:
Lord, we want you to change the way we live and act so we might be prepared for you. We want to be the kind of people who are formed by you to change the world with you coming light and life.

Weekly Action:
Find one person in your life who needs forgiveness, reconciliation, or restored hope. Go to that person and allow God to work his actions and speak his Word, through you, to them.

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